the Y
The Y Ballarat offers Holiday Programs in Ballarat, Bacchus Marsh, Hamilton and Ararat, providing children with a safe and friendly care environment with opportunities to make new friends, develop their self-esteem and participate in exciting activities during the holidays.
All children must be booked in and enrolled for attendance prior to the commencement of the program. Enrolment is required to be completed by all families using the service.
*Please note that there are no credits or refunds on School Holiday Programs (Vacation Care).
New Families: Before Booking for the School Holiday Program, all new families are required to: Enrol to use the service.
Payment – ensure that current payment details have been completed for your account.
A wide brimmed hat – caps are not accepted for outdoor play, a labelled water bottle, Sunscreen (if allergies are present), suitable footwear to access the outdoors – strictly NO thongs are to be worn at the program, SunSmart clothing- strictly no singlets will be accepted and a change of clothes.
NUT FREE ZONE! – This means strictly NO Peanut Butter or Nutella in sandwiches please; this could be potentially life threatening to a child who suffers from anaphylaxis.
Unhealthy foods such as potato chips, lollies and chocolate will not be permitted to be consumed. These foods will be required to stay in the child’s bag until they are collected.
Healthy Lunch Box Examples to pack include fruit, vegetable sticks, cheese, tuna, sandwiches, crackers, wraps, NUT FREE bars, eggs, salad, rice crackers, dips, yoghurt and fruit or cereal and fruit salad or kebabs.
For more info visit >
**Please note: It is always best to pack more into your child’s lunch box, if children run out of food families will be notified.
Our next vacation care programs will run in the Easter School Holidays with programs released shortly.